Test Driven Development Katas

Katas for practicing test driven development methodologies.

Test Driven Development Katas

This repository contains kata problems solved following test driven development practices.

Bowling Kata

Implement a class that calculates the score of a given bowling game. The idea to implement this kata was taken from http://www.peterprovost.org/blog/2012/05/02/kata-the-only-way-to-learn-tdd/. The scoring of bowling depends on many conditions, which provide many different scenarios for unit test. I would recommend writing unit tests that check strike and spare scoring because they produce special situations in scoring the current and subsequent frames. I also would recommend writing multiple tests for tenth frame scenarios.

Prime Factors

This class implements a function that returns a list of the prime factors of a given integer. This kata was proven useful, because I refactored my solution multiple times. The recommended unit tests are pretty straight forward; just go in order starting at one and continuing until your solution passes the test without a code change.

Integer to Roman Numeral Converter

I found a suggestion online to create a function that converts a Roman Numeral to an integer. This seemed less exciting than the reverse, converting an integer to a Roman Numeral. This functionality required many unit tests to figure out how to correctly implement it. I would recommend writing unit tests for every single digit starting from 1 until you figure out the pattern. After that, write unit tests for numbers that will contain new numerals, i.e 50, 100, 500, etc.

String Calculator

Implements a function that adds all the integers in a String that are separated by a common delimiter. A more detailed explanation can be found here http://osherove.com/tdd-kata-1/. This problem focused on making sure that all your tests run after code changes. Each time a unit test passed, the next test would cover a new functionality. The functionality usually affected the current code, so I had to make sure I did not break any other functionality while expanding my code.